Injecting Humor into Virtual Events: Creative Ideas for Funny Virtual Backgrounds.

May 8, 2024

A little creativity can go a long way and this applies to webinars and virtual events as well. You can keep participants entertained using some funny virtual backdrops and incorporating a playful touch. 

Here are some of Team EventHQ’s favourites:

1. Classic Scenes of Comedy

2. Sci-Fi and Fantasy Environments

3. The Worlds of Cartoons and Animation

4. Well-Known Paintings with a Modern Take

5. Whimsical and Colorful Landscapes

6. Modern Cityscapes

7. Parodies of Well-Known Film Scenes

8. Holiday-themed Humor 

9. Just some more Funny Ones

Use these funny virtual backgrounds as inspiration to add a sense of fun and creativity to your events. To maintain professionalism, choose backgrounds that are appropriate for the audience and the nature of the event.



Marketer- Angelin Bershiya