Join EventHQ

Join EventHQ

Join EventHQ

At EventHQ, we are passionate about events, just like you.
Founded by a team of industry veterans, EventHQ was born out of the need for a comprehensive and integrated solution to meet the evolving demands of event professionals.

Our Vision

Our Vision

To be the essential platform for all things events!

Our Mission

Our Mission

To create visibility and align different functions by providing the right tech to strategize, predict and help derive better value from events.

Our Values

Our Values

The values that drive everything we do

The values that drive everything we do

The values that drive everything we do

Cozy work space

AKA, our office. Work at your desk, on the couch or even from a bean bag. When you need a break, you challenge one of us to a Play Station game.

Transparent compensation

No secrets here! We’re open about our hiring policy and the compensation that comes with it. You’ll never question when your next hike is.

Flexible hours

Not going to lie, there will be days when the whole team puts aside their weekend to get things done. The rest of your time is flexible, based on your team.

Be Yourself

Or whoever you want to be. We don’t care who are, where you’re from or what you did, as long as you work here. Unless it affects the company, of course.

Never worry about Food

There’s always something around. We take care of 3 meals and keep the caffeine high going all day. Or you could raid the always-stocked pantry.

We love the game

Not just the PS. We’re a group of people who are passionate about our craft. We share knowledge like memes and push each other to do better.

Entrepreneurship program

After three years at EventHQ, you can use our entrepreneurship program to build your dreams, will help you with resources, knowledge and support to help you build your idea for 12 months.

Community first

EventHQ was born out of a community and we encourage and also prefer our team to be active in communities and events.

“Having a hiring policy in place from day 0 has proven to be the best way of providing all information about us to help you make an informed decision before joining our team.

Working at EventHQ is not for everyone just like pineapples on pizza. Most don’t like it but some do. We are looking for those outliers.”

Chameli Kuduva

Founder, EventHQ

Our hiring policy

Open roles

Open roles

Please use the portal to apply for open roles

Please use the portal to apply for open roles

Please use the portal to apply for open roles

Hiring Portal